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What is the Ultimate Goal of Liberal Education?
It is the mark of the educated man not to confuse his categories.
Education is only truth in a state of transmission; and how can we pass on truth if it has never come into our hand? I know that certain crazy pedants have attempted to counter this difficulty by maintaining that education is not instruction at all, does not teach by authority at all. They present the process as coming, not from outside, from the teacher, but entirely from inside the boy. Education, they say, is the Latin for leading out or drawing out the dormant faculties of each person. . . There is, indeed, in each living creature a collection of forces and functions; but education means producing these in particular shapes and training them to particular purposes, or it means nothing at all. Speaking is the most practical instance of the whole situation. You may indeed “draw out” squeals and grunts from the child by simply poking him and pulling him about. But you will wait and watch very patiently indeed before you draw the English language out of him. That you have got to put into him; and there is an end of the matter.
Education in the modern world is intimately associated with work. Not surprisingly, education is considered to be a necessary preparation for employment and is, itself, one of the largest employers in a modern economy.
We produce a higher education system which is more and more separated, more and more divorced from the intellectual function. What I see out there is an enormous public hunger for high quality, general propositions of an intellectual kind, something that isn’t journalism, isn’t the sound byte culture, isn’t entertainment, is ideas.
Michael Ignatieff
The highest marks [at Oxford] tended to go to examinees who were good at doing what was expected of them and these tended to be unoriginal people. More independent-minded students did not usually behave like this; and the more imaginative they were, and the more distinctive their intellectual personalities, the less likely they were to behave in his way. What these tended to do was to pursue with unusual intensity those subjects that interested them while neglecting those that did not, often with little regard for examination results. The consequence was that first-class degrees went to students with the mentality and temperament of high-grade civil servants... Someone in the English school pointed out that of the outstanding living authors who were educated at Oxford—W. H. Auden, Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh, Robert Graves, Anthony Powell, William Golding—none had firsts, and half got thirds. The head of one of the colleges once said to me: ‘I understand why we’re teaching the students, but I don’t understand why we’re examining them.’
Compulsory schooling teaches a hidden curriculum that is much more powerful than its overt subjects. This curriculum produces estrangement between students, frustration, weak powers of expression, alienation from tradition, and a sense that one can only learn under duress from certified experts. There is an elimination of curiosity and concentration; there is a difficulty connecting the present to the future and the past; there is a taste for cruelty and moral numbness that is cumulative; there is an uneasiness with intimacy and candour; there is a disloyalty to family and friends; children become excessively materialistic; and finally they become dependent, passive and timid in the face of new situations. All of these effects are the product of schooling, but they are also extremely useful in making a highly organized and highly layered commercial civilization self justifying.
John Taylor Gatto
Education is never neutral. It either liberates people or it dominates and oppresses them.
The classical view of learning is that you learn from the experiences you have and from the company you keep—especially from the people you identify with. Learning is easy and the most natural thing in the world, and it’s predominantly a social activity.
Education has as one of its primary objects to teach us how to stop and be still and look, how to concentrate our gaze till things begin to reveal their mystery to us. It must teach us to preserve and heighten our sense of wonder, which is the womb of poetry and of philosophy alike; for otherwise, no matter what our book-learning, beauty and life will pass us by.
Gerald Vann
The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one’s mind a pleasant place in which to spend one’s time.
Sydney J. Harris
Thoughts about Education & Schooling
A great deal of education is simply passing on culture.
G. K. Chesterton
A genuine liberal education is often uncharted, unpredictable, hesitant, and even leisurely.
The age-old idea of education as the quiet pursuit of wisdom is being replaced by a utilitarian scramble to acquire knowledge of facts, and especially material facts, and above all, commercially rewarding facts.
Christopher Derrick
Christopher Derrick
John Kenneth Galbraith
Education does not mean teaching people to know what they do not know; it means teaching them to behave as they do not behave.
John Ruskin
Robert Frost
Education frees the intellect and imagination from its bondage to unexamined ideologies or beliefs.
David Cayley
Everybody agrees education is a good thing—for other people.
Education is nothing if it is not the methodical creation of the habit of thinking.
Ernest Dimnet
Education cannot produce the wish to think where it does not exist, but, given this indispensable germ, it ought to provide the necessary conditions to bring it to maturity.
For every person who wants to teach there are approximately thirty who don’t want to learn—much.
W. C. Sellar
It is futile and vastly expensive to try to teach people things they are not motivated to learn.
Most people do not care to be taught what they do not already know; it makes them feel ignorant.
Mary McCarthy
The strongest human instinct is to impart information, the second strongest is to resist it.
Kenneth Grahame
No teaching is worth doing unless it has a militant quality to it.
Northrop Frye
It is quaint that people talk of separating dogma from education. Dogma is actually the only thing that cannot be separated from education. It is education. A teacher who is not dogmatic is simply a teacher who is not teaching.
G. K. Chesterton
Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding.
Ezra Pound
Every age has its folly, and the folly of the twentieth century is probably a desire to educate.
George Moore
School—I define “school” as an age-specific, teacher-related process requiring full-time attendance at an obligatory curriculum—is an institution built on the axiom that learning is the result of teaching. And institutional wisdom continues to accept this axiom, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Ivan Illich
Real knowledge is always acquired in the pursuit of real goals.
School prepares you for just one thing: School. It doesn’t prepare you for life. As a result School is utterly future oriented. The present is awful, but the future will be wonderful.
The longer each person is in the grip of [institutional] education the less inclination he will have for self-directed learning.
Ivan Ilich
It’s nothing short of a miracle that modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled youthful curiosity. For this delicate plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom.
The two predominant activities of liberal education are reading and conversation.
Albert Einstein
You can lead a man to the university, but you can’t make him think.
Finley Peter Dunne
The University brings out all abilities, including stupidity.
Anton Chekhov
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